I have always connected the mind with creativity It is important for me that the public get to know me, that they can find a connection to their psyche through my art.
I use a variety of materials and techniques to express the connection between mind and art. I believe that artistic practice allows a symbolic realization of fantasy. Moreover, working with different genres of arts and using associations upon associations bring about a great deal of information, perspectives shedding light on an obscure truth. My works are tools of expression that enable the removal of the inner world and provide power, answers to questions and peace of mind.
Through art I convey emotions and psychological states, tensions and ambiguities of contemporary life.
I believe in the power of art. As more people are exposed to it, its impact will increase and connect people to situations, thoughts and feelings.
2015-2017 Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) Bar Ilan University
2013-2014 Studies in video therapy, Jerusalem Film School
2009-2011 Master's degree, Art Therapy, Leslie University.
2008- 2004 Bachelor's degree, Management and Psychology at the Open University.
2005–2003 Certificate, Management in Institutions for the Elderly, Tel Aviv University.
(Including studies in psychology of the elderly)
1983-1980 Certificate, Interior Architecture, ORT Israel.
An Art education
I began my artistic path in studying architecture and interior design and engaged in the
profession for 26 years.
In 1984 I joined the studio of the painter Yoav Shuali. As part of my studies I purchased
Pencil drawing techniques, charcoal, models, surrealist style and abstract.
In the years 1987-1989 I studied at the Art College.
In the years 1992 - 1995 I studied sculpture with some of the best sculptors in Israel.
In 2011 I graduated with a master’s degree in art therapy from Leslie University, Boston. And since then I have been treating at a private clinic, lecturing, creating art and exhibiting.
Employment in the artistic field 2020-2022
Owner of the EL-ART Art Gallery website
Awards and certificates
Certificate of artistic merit awarded by the museum ( 2021 Luxembourg Art Prize)
Finalist Selected for the Boynes Renewable Artist Award 2021 - Australia https://boynesartistaward.com/
Certificate of artistic merit awarded by the museum ( 2022 Luxembourg Art Prize)
Professional Artist Award 2023. (Visual Artist Association Team)
Exhibitions and Exhibitions 2020-2022
2020 April - Effect Corona Virtual Exhibition
"Thread and Thought" - Ben Ami Gallery
"If Not Art" - Pop Up Sustainability Tel Aviv Municipality - Tel Aviv Port
Ramat Hasharon Artists Open Studio - Ramat Hasharon, September 2020
Closed Studio Artists Ramat Hasharon - Ramat Hasharon, January 2021
Ramat Hasharon Artists Open Studio - Ramat Hasharon, October 2021
Participation in the Jerusalem Biennale November 2021
Exhibition at ART & ABOUT December 2021
Apearances in the written media and media
Coffee Magazine, London https://www.instagram.com/coffeepeoplezine/
Art magazine, opinion, essays
Artists' Organization DWELL TAME
Art Gallery "Intermediate Art"
Feminist Art Gallery
Magazine projects for global news and events through artists, creatives and international writers.
Pineapple Black gallery Middlesbrough
Art Reveal Magazine
Journal of London organ - www.organthing.com
The Flux Review https://www.thefluxreview.com/virtual-exhibitions
The Flux Review Art, culture and world exploration magazine and blog.
Culturally Arts Collective features:
"Hidden Eyes", April 15-May 27 2022, Milostka Center for Exhibitions
Hanbell Gallery
Street people
New Masculinity
ArtPeopleMe Art Museum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ap5rzEKNY
THE HOLE ART Virtual exhibition https://art.kunstmatrix.com/apps/artspaces/dist/index.html?timestamp=1653279224392#/?external=true&splashscreen=true&splashscreen=false&language=en&uid=36117&exhibition=10240048&returnURL=https:%2F%2Fwww.theholyart.com%2F
Find My Art in SINGULART
Find My Art in SAATCHI ART